Following is a code sample for using GCM.
Client is android application.
Server is based on ASP.Net.
The sample is very naive and hard code is used:
- The android app is invoked , GCMRegister performs registration if needed and regId is saved and used on the server as strDeviceRegistrationId
- The ASP.Net is invoked, it use strDeviceRegistrationId and GoogleApiKey , to send a message to this particular device
- The android device "catch" this message via GCMBaseIntentService.onMessage
Client registration
Important methods :
- register
- unregister
- getRegistrationId
This code register for GCM and the device registration ID is retrived - regId
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); try { GCMRegistrar.checkDevice(this); GCMRegistrar.checkManifest(this); final String regId = GCMRegistrar.getRegistrationId(this); if (regId.equals("")) { GCMRegistrar.register(this, Constants.SENDER_ID); } else { Log.v("TAG", "Already registered"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
Important methods :
- onError
- onMessage
- onRegistered
- onUnregistered
Most important method is onMessage. the message is read via intent.getStringExtra("message");
public class GCMIntentService extends GCMBaseIntentService{ @Override protected void onError(Context arg0, String arg1) { //Called on registration or unregistration error. Log.v("TAG", "GCMIntentService onError"); } @Override protected void onMessage(Context arg0, Intent intent) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // --- Called when a cloud message has been received. // --- handle here the push notification e.g. Toast Notification Log.v("TAG", "GCMIntentService onMessage"); String message = intent.getStringExtra("message"); } @Override protected void onRegistered(Context arg0, String arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // --- Called after a device has been registered. Log.v("TAG", "GCMIntentService Registered"); } @Override protected void onUnregistered(Context arg0, String arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Called after a device has been unregistered. Log.v("TAG", "GCMIntentService UnRegistered"); } }
ASP.Net Server
The server uses :
- strDeviceRegistrationId which was registerd by the android
- GoogleApiKey which was retrive via Google APIs Console page->API Access->API key
- SenderId which was retrived via Google APIs Console page->Overview->Project Number
public class AndroidGCMPushNotification { public string SendNotification(string deviceId, string message) { var value = message; WebRequest tRequest; tRequest = WebRequest.Create(""); tRequest.Method = "post"; // --- text tRequest.ContentType = " application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"; string postData = "collapse_key=score_update&time_to_live=108&delay_while_idle=1&data.message=" + value + "&data.time=" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "®istration_id=" + deviceId + ""; tRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Authorization: key={0}", GoogleApiKey)); Console.WriteLine(postData); Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); tRequest.ContentLength = byteArray.Length; Stream dataStream = tRequest.GetRequestStream(); dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); dataStream.Close(); WebResponse tResponse = tRequest.GetResponse(); dataStream = tResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader tReader = new StreamReader(dataStream); String sResponseFromServer = tReader.ReadToEnd(); tReader.Close(); dataStream.Close(); tResponse.Close(); return sResponseFromServer; } public string GoogleApiKey { get { return m_strGoogleAppID; } set { m_strGoogleAppID = value; } } public string SenderId { get { return m_strSenderId; } set { m_strSenderId = value; } } string m_strSenderId; string m_strGoogleAppID; }first.aspx
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Sources :
Thanks for the post
ReplyDeleteI've Some Question in "SendNotification" Method
it has two parameters one for the `message` and the other `Device ID` for what ??
From where I can get the Device_ID
Thanks In Advance
This is strDeviceRegistrationId