ItemsControl is used to represent collection of objects.
ItemControl has the following hierarchy
- DependencyObject
- UIElement
- FrameworkElement
- Control
- ItemesControl
- Selector
- ListBox
- ComboBox
- TemplatedItemsControl
- Panorama
- Pivot
Important properties of ItemControl
- Items - collection of item objects
- ItemTemplate - DataTemplate of the item object
Source sample
This sample uses two controls
- ItemsControl
- ListBox - a list with selectable items
Both control represent a list of sorted font files names which are entered via the code.
Note that you can scroll the ListBox by pointing on it, click the mouse and drag it up or down, but not the ItemsControl, you need ScrollViewer for this.
Customize item display
We saw before that DataTemplate can be used to render object which have no visual representation. Here i will show how each item in a list of SolidColorBrush will be given a visual represntation of :
- TextBlock with Text as the ARGB of the brush color
- Rectangle filled with the brush color
Source sample
Run the application and click the button "Customize Item Display" to produce
ListBox Selection
ListBox derives from Selector which allows to select an object from a collection.
Selector has a property name SelectedIndex which is the index of the selected item or -1 if no item is selected. Item[SelectedIndex] is equal to the SelectedItem in case item was selected.
SelectedItem is backed by a dependency property so it can function as binding target.
SelectionChanged occurs when selection is changed.
Source sample
This sample is built over the previous with one change - a TextBox was added . The TextBox Forground is binded to the ListBox.SelectedItem. The SelectedIndex is 0 to start with
Run the application and click the button "Selection" , select a color to produce :
Notice that change in the selected color cause a change in the text forground
Binding to ItemSource
ItemSource :
- A property of ItemControl
- It is used to set the content of the ItemsControl
- Type is IEnumerable
In case the collection is changing dynamically then the collection should implement INotifyCollectionChanged e.g. ObserveableCollection
Sample source
The sample show a collection of person and allow adding person to the collection. The person added is updated on the GUI.
The implementation includes :
- Resource name oPersons - ObservableCollection of CPerson
- Resource name textBoxStyle - style for TextBlock
- Resource name textBlockDataTemplateName - DataTemplate for the person name
- Resource name textBlockDataTemplateFamily - DataTemplate for the person family
- oListBoxName - ListBox of person name
- oListBoxFamily - ListBox of family name
- Add button - Add person name and family
Two binding here :
- oPersons - source is binded to oListBox - target. Note that oPersons can not be target because it is not dependency object
- ListBox item - source is binded to the TextBox - target
Resources :
remark - due to some bug in VS2010 i had to use x:Key and not x:Name when i defined oPersons
ContentPanel :
Remember the collection must be ObservableCollection to notify changes like adding item
Run the application and click the button "Selection" , select a color to produce :
Enter a name - Diego family Forlan and click Add to produce
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