Windows Phone Silverlight application is a mix of XAML for the visual part and code (.cs) for handling events like user input.
XAML is an XML
Every thing you do in silverlight can be divided to three categories :
- Can be done in XAML and code behind e.g. object instantiation
- Can be done only in XAML e.g. template
- Can be done only in code behind e.g. event handling , methods
"Commnication" between XAML and code behind is done via data binding and event handlers.
Property Inheritence
Sample source
Note some properties of PhoneApplicationPage in every "Windows Phone Application" project : FontFamily, FontSize, Forground. All UI Elements e.g. TextBlock inside PhoneApplicationPage inherit these properties.
Neverthless the TextBlock can override it e.g. use different Forground and FontSize
Run the application to notice it
Property - Element Syntax
The following TextBlock has the same functionality as in above sample.
However, it use TextBlock as XML attribute and Foreground as XML element - this is Property - Element syntax.
This illustrate the following :
- TextBlock is an object element - a .Net object based on XML element
- HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, FontSize,Text are property attributes - a .Net object properties based on XML attributes
- Foreground is a property element - a .Net object property based on XML element
Content Property
Content property is an attribute of .Net class.
e.g Border defines one property name Child to be the content of the class
This means that on xaml we can write :
Or omit the child because it's content property
Resources Collection
Resources collection is a sharing mechanism of resources.
Every FrameworkElement has a Resources property which is a collection of resources and they are available within the element and it's nested elements. Application resources are available throughout the application.
XAML resource is an object of .Net class\structure.
sample source
This sample demonstrate resource definition and use. It defines two brushes : a red one called Error and a green one called Ok inside PhoneApplicationPage and a FontSize name fontSize inside LayoutRoot Grid element.
- x:Key is the actual key to the Resources dictionary.
- system is defined as
The sample use the resources as follows
Note that ContentPanel can be written equivalently using StaticResource without the shortcut as follows :
Note that Windows Phone contains predefined resources such as Brushs,Colors,Fonts. In fact it is used in MainPage.xaml : PhoneFontFamilyNormal, PhoneFontSizeNormal, PhoneForegroundBrush
x:Key and x:Name
Supose you ned to access XAML resource from your code. This is done by using key e.g.
this.ContentPanel.Resource[fontSize] will access the fontSize defined for ContentPanel Grid.
If the resource is not found in ContenetPanel then it is searched up the visual tree i.e. first on LayoutRoot , then on PhoneApplicationPage and so on.
You can use x:Name instead of x:Key and you will be able to do the following :
- Get : this.ContentPanel.Resource[fontSize]
- Set : ContentPanel.Forground = fontSize
But this x:Name must be unique a cross the XAML file.
Basic Style
Style is a collection of properties for an element e.g. TextBlock.
Style is a resource with key,TargetType and Setters.
Style defintion :
Using style :
Property precedence :
- Local setting
- Style
- Property inheritence
- Default values (constructor)
Style inheritance
Style may be inherited using BasedOn
StyleBase has two properties : Forground and FontFamily.
StyleDerived inherit StyleBase and add FontSize property.
Style defintion :
Using style :
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