Basic Shapes
Ellipse :
- Fill - Brush for painting the interior of the ellipse
- Stroke - Brush for painting the ellipse outline
- StrokeThickness - width of the stroke outline
Transforms applied to visual elements means :
- Shift to another location
- Size change
- Rotation
Transforms can be applied in Silverlight to any object that inherit UIElement : text,bitmap,movie,panel,controls.
Transform is possible using the UIElement property RenderTransform. Silverlight support few types of transform :
- RotateTransform - rotate by an angle around an x,y point
- ScaleTransform - scale in x,y coordinate system relative to an x,y point
- SkewTransform - two dimensional skew
- TranslateTransform - move the object in x,y plane
- MatrixTransform - transform using a matrix
- TransformGroup - compose transform using a group of existing transforms
Sample source
Scale transform is used. The application allows to scale an ellipse up and down using two buttons.
The scale is done relative to ScaleTransform.CenterX and ScaleTransform.CenterY which are by default 0,0.
The Border Element
You have a TextBlock and you want to make it's border color red - problem. TextBlock does not have border, yet Silverlight has Border element which can be used in this case.
Important properties :
- Child - chiled element to draw the border around
- BorderThickness - thickness of the border
- CornerRadius - radius of the corner
- BorderBrush - brush of the border
Sample source
Common properties :
- Font :
- FontStretch - Not used
- FontStyle - Normal\italic
- FontFamily - Ariel, TimeNewRoman,..
- FontSize - 10,12,... (pixels)
- FontWeight - Normal,Bold,..
- TextDecorations - Underline
- TextWrapping - what to do when text is longer then the line. Wrap,NoWrap,...
- TextAlignement - Left,Right,..
Note that ContentProperty (see Windows Phone - XAML (7)) of TextBlock is Inlines which is a collection of content element name Inline.
Sample source
Note that Run element inherits Inline.
Running application TextBlock inside it's ContentPanel will produce
Playing Movies
Use MediaElement
Mode of Opacity
UIElement has Opacity property. It defines how transparent the element is. Value of 1 means transparent , value of 0 means full opacity i.e. you will not be able to see any element underneath it.
SolidColorBrush :
LinearGradientBrush paints an area with linear gradient. The gradient is along a line which start at property StartPoint and ends at property EndPoint. By default StartPoint coordinate is (0,0) and EndPoint coordinate is (1,1).
Diagonal gradient StartPoint (0,0) EndPoint (1,1)
A linearGradientBrush paints its GradientStops along this line. GradientStop defines the location and color of a transition point in the gradient.
Vertical gardient StartPoint (0.5,0) EndPoint (0.5,1)
Paints an area with radial gradient. It is defined by a cicle Center , GradientOrigin and GradientStops.
Sample source
Sample uses few TextBox with brushes as background
Define Style used by all TextBox
TextBoxes with brushes as background
Running the sample will produce the following
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